Saturday, April 01, 2006

7th week

I'm 2 days from my 7th week mark. It still feels unreal that I'm actually pregnant. I've been so tired lately and not to mention starving! I've been really moody also. Poor Tyson. Today I just started crying. Really for no reason but for selfish reasons also. We both feel misunderstood and we're both pretty selfish people. But anyway, I'm excited to have a little baby but really nervous. We're moving into a 2 bedroom apartment in about a month. I'm so excited to get out of this dump! We have mold growing in our closet and our bathroom. It's probably not a good idea to have a baby in such conditions! I love our new place. It has a little dishwasher and hookups for a washer and dryer, which I'm ecstatic about. It has a garden plot and flower beds we can use. It's like our own little home. It's actually a duplex but it feels really homey. Well, I better get to my cleaning/laundry. I'll post more later.

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